Stretch Marks and Scars

Some research suggests that Bio-Oil can reduce stretch marks and scars.

In one particular study, participants treated their stretch marks or scars with Bio-Oil over an 8-week period. At the end of the trial, over half of the participants agreed that the product reduced their blemishes. Reap these benefits yourself by rubbing Bio-Oil directly on your scars and stretch marks twice a day for at least 3 months.
Bio-Oil is formulated to treat a variety of scars, including ones from surgical operations. The company officially claims that Bio-Oil can help with acne scars, too. Just keep your skin type in mind before you use this product—it might not be the best option for people with oily or acne-prone snake game skin.
Use Bio-Oil during your entire pregnancy (including the first trimester) to help prevent stretch marks.

Tony Washington

3 Blog Postagens
