Next Dark and Darker playtest date set for hit Steam dungeon crawler

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The next Dark and Darker playtest date is set for April, as developer Ironmace plans more demo time for the Dark And Darker Gold Coins dungeon-crawling RPG following its Steam success.

Dark and Darker playtest - a figure in armour yells

The next Dark and Darker playtest date is announced for April by developer Ironmace, as the team plans to follow up on its huge Steam success with “pretty substantial additions” for its next test period. The dungeon-crawling fantasy RPG game smashed expectations by pulling in over 100,000 concurrent Dark and Darker players consistently during the Steam Next Fest demo period, and developer Ironmace looks to build on its breakout hit.

“We would like to thank everyone for helping us out with our most successful playtest to date,” an Ironmace developer shares in a post on the game’s official Discord. “We collected so much data that we are still in the processing stage right now. We will share lots of interesting data once we get a chance to catch our breath.”

The team says that the recent playtest, which was extended following its huge success, “gave us a lot of clues on how to proceed with development.” It notes that additional questions have been raised among the team, and as such another playtest is planned prior to the game’s early access launch.

The team adds, “we hope to test some pretty substantial additions for this playtest,” but notes that because of this it will require a little more development time to prepare before players can get their hands on the game. As such, you’ll have to wait for a while longer until you can get back in and grind out loot in the unforgiving dungeons of the PvPvE game.

Dark and Darker playtest date - an armoured character sits at a table, saying, "Excellent! Now you might stand a chance."

Next Dark and Darker playtest date

The next Dark and Darker playtest is April 14-19. Ironmace says, “We know the extended downtime between playtests may be disappointing to our fans but we will work our hardest to make the next one even better than before.” With the buy Dark And Darker Gold promise of plenty of new features in the next playtest, it sounds like it’ll certainly be one to check out if you enjoyed the previous demo period, or if you missed it and want to know what all the fuss is about.


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