Ezekiel Elliott draws Cowboys scorn afte

Ezekiel Elliott draws Cowboys scorn afte

Secrets, secrets are no fun...unle s you tell Zeke.Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott appeared to have gotten front office personnel riled up on Wednesday when he "leaked" pictures of Dallas' Thanksgiving Day helmets to fans via his Instagram story.The Cowboys' social Russell Wilson T Shirts media team quickly scolded their longtime Nick Bellore Jersey running back for the faux pas, indicating it wasn't cleared by the powers that be among the team.C'mon bruhhhh... Dallas Cowboys (@dallascowboys) MORE:There was just one problem, though. Zeke didn't reveal Dallas' Thanksgiving Day outfits. Dallas did.In fact, the organization trumpeted out just how sleek and nostalgic their headgear was going to be on Turkey Day...back in July.Check it out:Keepin it cla DeeJay Dallas Jersey sic with a throwback on Thanksgiving Day! | Dallas Cowboys (@dallascowboys) Talk about some mi sed signals. Dallas famously feature on Thanksgiving Day every year, and have done so since 1977, so it makes sense why the front office would drop news of Seattle Seahawks Home Office its new-look helmets so early. The post drew plenty of buzz, for what it's worth, with many Cowboys fans indicating that they can't wait to see the 'Boys take the field draped in gear that honors legends of their past: whether it be Bob Lilly or "Bullet" Bob Hayes.MORE:Nonethele s, it appears Dallas' social media team got lost in the sauce Jim Zorn Jersey , opting to dunk on its star running back in the proce s.Gobble Gobble.


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