How To Get Refunds from Turkish Airlines?

Turkish Airlines Cancellation Policy

If you want to cancel your trip with Turkish Airlines, then it is better to read the Turkish Airlines Cancellation Policy. However, you'll get familiar with all the parameters related to flight cancellation. 

Turkish Airlines provides the cheapest flights that fly to more than 340 destinations. However, Miles Smiles is the airline's frequent flyer program the members can earn them by paying for their purchases through the Miles Smiles credit card. 

How can I get a refund from Turkish Airlines?

To get a refund from the airline, here are the points to follow:

  1. Visit log in to the official website of the Turkish airline.
  2. However, search for the cancellation section on the homepage.
  3. After that, you'll be able to view the booking details.
  4. Now, click on the flight that needs to be cancelled you want to get a refund.
  5. On the other hand, if you complete the flight cancellation process, then only you will be able to request a refund.
  6. Post-flight cancellation process, you can click on the request refund form fill it out. 
  7. However, you need to mention the reference number and contact details.
  8. Apart from that, passengers can also attach other documents.
  9. In the end, you'll receive a confirmation email. 

Explain the other points about the Turkish airline refund.

You can go through the below-mentioned points to get the refund:

  1. If your flight gets cancelled due to weather conditions, the airline will book you on the next available flight.
  2. Now, if the flight gets cancelled there is no flight available till the next day, you'll be offered accommodation.
  3. Moreover, if you cancel a flight within the limited time, you'll Get a Refund from Turkish Airlines within 24 Hours.
  4. However, if you don't cancel your trip within 24 hrs, the passengers must pay the penalty. 
  5. On the other hand, it takes around 5-7 business days for the airline to complete the refund process. 

How can I get a refund through other ways?

If you wish to make a refund request through the other ways, then go through the below points:


Passengers can connect with the Turkish Airlines live representative by email. Here, provide all the information about the flight cancellation request to provide with a refund. 


The other way to get the refund is to talk to a Turkish airline live person by dialling the official number 1 (800) 874-8875. You can explain or provide a valid reason claim for the refund.


You can contact the Turkish airline customer executive via live chat on Whatsapp. Here, mention your quarries ask them about the refund process. 

How long does a Turkish airline take to provide the refund?

There are several reasons why you need to cancel your trip. But, the main concern is the time the airline takes to provide the refund. However, you can go through the below steps:

  1. If you have booked a trip through a credit card, the refund will be credited within seven business days. 
  2. However, if you wish to cancel a flight, refer to the Turkish Airlines Cancellation Policy for more details about the refund.
  3. If you have paid with cash or cheque, it takes around 20 business days. 


Therefore, you can go through the above details to Get Refund from Turkish Airlines within 24 Hours. Apart from that you can connect with someone at a Turkish airline ask about the process to get the refund. 

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