How to Draw A Rainbow Unicorn Easily

How to Draw A Rainbow Unicorn. Unicorns are mythical creatures that have become very popular in recent years.

How to Draw A Rainbow Unicorn. Unicorns are mythical creatures that have become very popular in recent years.

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Resembling horses with a single spinning horn on their snouts, these magical beasts have captured the imagination of many people worldwide.

They are often associated with images such as hearts and rainbows, so fans of this magical animal often enjoy learning to draw a rainbow unicorn.

If you want to know how to do this while having loads of fun, then the guide in front of you is for you!

This step-by-step guide to drawing a rainbow unicorn in just 6 easy steps will show you all the steps needed to recreate this magical animal.

How to Draw A Rainbow Unicorn

Step 1

In this first step of our guide on how to draw a rainbow unicorn, we'll start with the most recognizable aspect of this mythical animal!

This will be the spiral horn on the unicorn's head, but before we draw it, let's draw the curved hair of the rainbow unicorn.

We will use some curvy, curved lines for this rainbow unicorn's hair, which will curl up in the front of the mane.

Next, we draw the horn itself, sticking out of the hair.

This horn is drawn in several connected sections, and each section narrows slightly as you move along it. Then you are ready for step 2!

Step 2

Now, not only are we going to add more hair to the animal's mane, but we're also going to add the outline of the face of this rainbow unicorn design.

First, use a few more curved lines for a large curly section that runs down the unicorn's hair. Next, add rounded and pointed bang shapes for the unicorn's ears.

This ear outlines also include some pointed oval shapes for the inner ears.

Next, use a few more rounded lines to outline the face and add a more subtle rounded muzzle at the end.

Finally, we'll use some round shapes for the eye and add small curved lines around it for the lashes.

Step 3

This third step of our instructions on drawing a rainbow unicorn will show you how to make the mane even more curly and luxurious.

To do this, we use even more curling lines to shape the twisted strands of hair that flow down the mane.

The reference image we have provided will show you how to position these strands of hair before proceeding to step 4 of the guide.

Step 4

We aim to give this rainbow unicorn drawing a beautiful and luxurious rainbow mane, so we will take the next steps to add the mane.

In this fourth part of the guide, we'll add more loose curls to the back of the mane.

To do this, use more of the long curling lines you've used for the rest of the mane.

We'll finish the mane's final parts and all the final extra details in the next step of the guide!

Step 5

As promised in the previous step of this How to Draw a rainbow unicorn tutorial, in this step, you will finish the final details of the rainbow mane curly hair.

You also have the option to add more details and additional elements of your choice!

Start by adding another large twisted curl at the base of the mane and then add more line detail within it.

Once you've drawn this, you can add more details!

This could include a magical background that could be a fun backdrop for the unicorn or more stylistic shapes and patterns.

Step 6

Now you can finish this awesome rainbow unicorn drawing with some paint!

As the name suggests, we will use a gorgeous, vibrant color scheme for this rainbow unicorn's mane.

In our sample image, we've incorporated many shades of purple, yellow, pink, and blue to create a colorful yet beautifully subdued image.

You could use similar colors for your rainbow unicorn design, but use any other color you like!

All the rainbow colors are at your fingertips, so you have many options when designing this image.

You can also change your art tools and media to create various colors.

Your Rainbow Unicorn Drawing is Finished!


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